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Our Pricing

When you take up tuition with Boost Your Learning you are accessing bespoke experiences, fully qualified teachers and a network of professionals who can help your child thrive in their learning and feel confident in their abilities. 

Thirty Minute Lesson

We recommend a thirty minute lesson to our primary students. These lessons are completely tailored to the learner to ensure each student finds success in their learning and can understand and enjoy concepts in english and maths.

Woman Tutoring Child
Smiling Student Sitting At Desk

Forty Five Minute Lesson

We recommend this duration for students in Year 7 upwards. This is the ideal length of time for a student to grasp and apply a new concept and make connections in range of settings in maths, english and science. 

We find this length of session ensures we can accelerate learning and build on students confidence

*Level 3 students have an additional charge of $10 per lesson due to the increased follow up and assessment support required. 

1 hour Lesson

For students who require a depth of knowledge, rapid catch up or with slower processing speeds we recommend an hour long lesson. This ensures we can cover all the material at a greater depth and allow ample opportunity to practice applying new learning. Whether a student needs a lot of extra confidence building or intensive intervention an hour long session can help students find quick success in their learning.

*Level 3 students have an additional charge of $10 per lesson due to the increased follow up and assessment support required. 


Free Consult 

(Primary | Intermediate)

We love to meet new students and help them in their learning. Please get in touch  with Anna to find out how we can help your child to grow in confidence and accelerate their learning 


Free Consult 

(College| Adult )

Navigating college can seem daunting. Let us help simplify the process by building confidence and providing targeted teaching to help you find success at NCEA and beyond. Get in touch with Amy to find out how we may be able to support you. 

Contact Us


Boost Your Learning HQ

9 Morrison Street, Nelson



020 6031 4035

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri


Other hours by request

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