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Maths Tuition

We tutor maths for students in both primary and college, up to NCEA Level 3. 

We strive to build confidence and strategically target learning gaps to enable our students to truly understand mathematical concepts and apply these to solve problems in the classroom, exam settings and daily life.

Learn with us anywhere in New Zealand. 

Primary and Intermediate

Maths sessions at this level allow students to learn new skills and apply them in meaningful ways. We aim to provide our students with strong mathematical foundations upon which they can build further learning.

Concepts explored include: 

  • Place value concepts including decimals

  • Number operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division)

  • Fractions, decimals and percentages

  • Number patterns and sequences

  • Measurement 

  • Maths problem solving and applying maths in the world around us. 

Helping Tutor

"Maths is now so much easier. I feel like a genius." 

Arthur (Year 6)

Math Teacher

"Kiara was so excited when she returned from school yesterday as she had done so much better on a maths test at school. It is great to see her so proud of herself. "

Wendy, Kiara's mum (Year 10)

College and
NCEA Levels

Maths sessions at this level are centred around making visible connections between foundational mathematical principles. We analyse our students to explicitly teach unknown concepts and then model strategies to apply this to increasingly complex problems. 

We offer guidance and support for our students in study techniques and exam preparations.


Concept explored include:

  • All foundational mathematic principles

  • NCEA corequisite preparations

  • Algebra

  • Geometry (Including trigonometry and Pythagorus) 

  • Measurement

  • Statistics and probability

  • Number operations and principles


Free Consult 

(Primary | Intermediate)

We love to meet new students and help them in their learning. Please get in touch  with Anna to find out how we can help your child to grow in confidence and accelerate their learning 


Free Consult 

(College| Adult )

Navigating college can seem daunting. Let us help simplify the process by building confidence and providing targeted teaching to help you find success at NCEA and beyond. Get in touch with Amy to find out how we may be able to support you. 

Contact Us


Boost Your Learning HQ

9 Morrison Street, Nelson



020 6031 4035

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri


Other hours by request

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