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Carefully designed by our team of expert kiwi teachers, our courses will help your child grow in confidence and find success at NCEA. 

Having experienced phenomenal success with our one-to-one lessons we want to share our kete of knowledge to support as many kiwi students to feel great about their learning as possible. 

Our first course is designed to support students in the Numeracy CAA, which the majority of Year 10 students and some Year 11 students will sit this year. This exam is worth ten credits and has a staggeringly high failure rate of 38% across multiple sittings in the year. 

We believe every child deserves to fully understand the basics of numeracy and have designed this course to equip your child with the skills they need to succeed in the Numeracy exam and have the foundations in place to enjoy maths at NCEA.


Caleb, Year 10 student

“This is a great course. I didn't understand how to solve some percentage problems, and now I do!"

Jacinda, Numeracy Teacher

"You have got the imperative foundational skills so it's a great course that will benefit many students."

Eddie, Year 11 student

“I really like the quiz and seeing what I can do by myself. I like that the wrong answers have instructions so I know what to do next time"
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