Boost YOur learning

We believe every child is capable of success.
We believe that quality learning experiences turn barriers into bridges.
We believe that students learn best when they feel understood and supported.
With every learning experience designed to bring out the best in your child, the path to success has never been so clear and achievable.

We are no ordinary tuition service.
We have specialist, diagnostic assessment tools to identify the level your child is working within, their strengths and development needs.
All our tutors are qualified teachers equipped with the knowledge and expertise to accelerate your child's learning.
We take time to get to know each of our students and value their unique qualities. All our lessons are planned with your child exclusively in mind. We are experts in building confidence and supporting each student to reach their potential.
Since graduating in 2007 at the University of Glasgow (United Kingdom), I have worked extensively with students at all stages of learning. I have expertise in the fields of dyslexia, maths and structured literacy.
I established Boost Your Learning in 2021 to offer a solution to families seeking high quality learning support for their child. As a mother to two sons with learning needs, I completely understand the challenges students face in a busy school day and the negative impact 'getting lost' in the system can have on your child's confidence.
Boost Your Learning is built on the principle that all students are capable of success. We always take time to get to know our learners, celebrating their unique strengths. I believe that every student can thrive through our targeted tuition sessions, resulting in motivated, confident students with a genuine love of learning.
Contact me for bookings across Aotearoa.

Contact Us
Boost Your Learning HQ
9 Morrison Street, Nelson
020 6031 4035
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri
Other hours by request